Maintaining a Central Location for John Dunham Descendancy Documents

Through a thoughtful collaboration with our members and fellow researchers we are continually increasing our collection of relevant John Dunham descendancy documents.  With that said, we currently maintain the largest indexed collection of documents specifically related to John Dunham descendants.

Our collection includes:

  • Plymouth County Land Records (Property Descriptions, Property Divisions, Sales, Purchases)
  • Plymouth County Probate Records (Wills, Estate Inventories, Dowerys, Guardianships)
  • Plymouth Town Vital Records (Birth, Marriage, Death Records)
  • Various Town Vital Records within Plymouth County
  • Census Reports from 1790 (the First U.S. Census)
  • Military Service (from Indian Wars, Revolutionary War to Civil War) & Military Draft Records
  • Headstone Photos with Cemetery Locations
  • Mayflower Source Records for Dunham-Mayflower Pilgrim Connections
  • Histories of Towns within Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maine, New York, Connecticut, Vermont and Many More
  • Family History / Genealogical Books

*Access to our records is restricted to administrators of The John Dunham Society.